Men's Ministry

We are a fellowship of men committed to being fully devoted followers of our Triune God. God is our passion, and growing in God’s ways is our purpose. We work to build each other up as loving, godly men empowered through the Holy Spirit to become genuine Christ-like servants who are fully becoming who God created us to be. We work toward this by seeking God with all our heart, soul, and strength, serving God and humanity, and sharing our lives in meaningful friendships.

We desire to develop a community of men who cultivate genuine relationships and spiritual maturity. We aim to be men of strong character and integrity who serve and support one another with intentional kingdom action and inclusive kingdom attitude.
Upcoming Men's Events
Men's Groups
These are our "men only" groups. These groups are for building relationships with other godly men and helping each other grow. Join us!
Co-Ed Groups
If none of the men's groups seem like a good fit for you, we also have co-ed groups that both men and women can attend!
Home Groups
These groups are also co-ed. These groups generally meet in people's homes and gather weekly or bi-weekly to discuss the previous week sermon or other topics.